
Product Series
> Chibi Animals
> Night and Day
> Samurai

Character Series
> Kurenai Mashin



Since March 2002, Kurenai Mashin has been holding its own little niche in the corner of Keenspace. Once you could only see the cast within the pages of the comic, but no longer. I'm happy to present the Kurenai Mashin store, a collection of posters, shirts and cards which you can purchase to inflict upon the world, your mirror and your friends.

Made possible by Zazzle and Paypal, the store is organized into PRODUCT SERIES and CHARACTER SERIES, which you can check out on the menu on your left. PRODUCT SERIES are products that contain images that are thematically similar, but with different characters. CHARACTER SERIES are the opposite, featuring the same character on each product, but with different themes.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy browsing through the store. The best thing is, there are no annoying sales persons shadowing your every move. There's just Duffy and Kiri.


Kurenai Mashin is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. (c) 2001-today bluebug. All site material is property of bluebug unless otherwise specified.