The Night and Day Series

This series of posters relects the idea that Loki and Takura are like night and day, inexorably linked, but also very different.

Size : 14.5"x10.5"
Quality : 28lb paper (heavier than standard stock), glossy ink
Price : $9.95 US + shipping and handling

NOTE : "Sample" watermark will be removed upon printing.


Though both Loki and Takura are tricksters, Takura is more careless and carefree. "Daybreak" captures this side of Takura as he stands in a quiet field upon Hayashi lands, before a rising sun.



both Loki and Takura are tricksters, Loki is much more fickle and cunning. "Nightfall" captures this essence of Loki. Surrounded by a mist of magic, Loki stands in the middle of a clearing, while fairies dance around him. Above him is a shooting star, a symbol of wishes and possibility, which he embodies.

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