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Online Comics

My Shining Knight. Very cute with bishies galore. Two comics in one site! Fantasy style. About a wannabe pirate girl with name of Jack Arse. Poor thing :P It's Sailor Moon...without the Sailor Scouts. Pretty bishounen! Very polished art and  hilarious characters Being redrawn. Amazing art, intriguing storyline. Awesome art and even better writing. A must read. Fire Always Makes It Better.  Its off-the wall originality makes it a great read, and the  detailed character designs are  like eye candy. Bishie elves and gorgeous art! What more could you ask for?
A bounty hunter in a dystopian future A martian takes over a poor human and causes havoc.
An awesome fantasy comic by Eunice P! A fanastical adventure An adorable comic about an anthropomorphic scarecrow A true D&D style adventure New comic, wonderful artwork and intriguing story Magical tale of mystery. Very cool. Newly started comic about a scriptwriter

Nifty sketchy style fantasy comic Epic humor packaged in a unique style

A new comic about demony beasts For mature readers. A futuristic tale of love and war

Sample comics up only.
A comic for gamers and  other such crazies!
A Superhero comic where brains definitely triumph over brawn. Great read. A kooky story of magic and thievery A story of intrigue and mystery

Art Sites

English/Spanish site

Other Great Sites

Great site for comic fonts and comic resources Anime d/l site

Lorchick's excellent webcomic list!  Banner by yours truly.

An artistic community for artists and writers

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(c) 2001-today bluebug. All site material is property of bluebug unless otherwise specified. Stealing means you wish the squirrels to mistake your eyeballs for acorns. Truly.